Monday, 16 May 2011

Kama Sutra for policy wonks: Newt Gingrich takes multiple positions on Medicare repeal

Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich loves ideas so much he can't stick to just one

It looks like Newt Gingrich is as faithful to his words as he is to his wives.

Yesterday, he came out against Paul Ryan's plan to end Medicare as we know it because he said it was too "radical."

The thing is, a week earlier, he had declared his support for the plan. And long before that, he'd proposed a plan which would have worked pretty much the same way as the Ryan plan.

But just in case your head isn't already spinning from Gingrich's journey from proposer to supporter to opponent of ending Medicare as we know it, brace yourself because with Paul Ryan accusing him of disloyalty, he's already taken an entirely new position: now he sort of supports it again but not really, and when he said he didn't support, that didn't count, but he's still got some issues with it.

I pointed out that Paul Ryan doesn't see much difference between his plan and what Gingrich was calling for on April 20, and Gingrich's spokesman agreed. "There is little daylight between Ryan and Gingrich," he wrote. "But look how it gets reported. Newt would fully support Ryan if it were not compulsory. We need to design a better system that people will voluntarily move to. That is a major difference in design but not substance."

In other words, it was only a blow job. He still loves RyanCare. Really.


michigan politics illinois senator philippine politics missouri senators

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