Thursday, 1 September 2011

Obama job approvals hit record low in yet another poll

Quinnipiac doesn't have much in the way of good news:

President Barack Obama's overall job approval rating has sunk to an all-time low, as American voters disapprove 52 - 42 percent, compared to 47 - 46 percent approval in July, and among whites and men his approval has dropped into the 30s, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Congressional leaders rate even lower in the public eye.

Voters nationwide are more pessimistic about the economy, saying 49 - 11 percent that it is getting worse rather than improving, a precipitous drop from a July 14 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University, in which voters said 32 - 23 percent the economy was worsening and January 18, when voters said 36 - 20 percent it was improving. [...]

Voters trust Obama more than congressional Republicans to handle the economy 44 - 41 percent, but they say 46 - 42 percent that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would do a better job than Obama. They are split 43 - 41 percent on whether Obama or GOP candidate Rick Perry would be better on the economy.

Quinnipiac is now the third well-known pollster to show President Obama at record lows in just the last week: The latest surveys from Public Policy Polling and Gallup also have Obama at the worst job approvals of his term. It's hard to see where the president goes from here.


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